“The diapers that I received from my Gift of Life Parent Educator made all the difference at a time when I just needed help to make it to the end of the month.”
Ways You Can Support Our Diaper Drive
Host a Challenge! Nothing is more fun than friendly competition. (1) Challenge a department, organization or business to compete by collecting the most diaper and baby wipes donations for Operation Christmas Bottoms. (2) Ask your Sunday School class, church or civil club to donate diapers as a group (3) Colleges and schools can also support Operation Christmas Bottoms as a year-end service project
If you consent to have your photo taken or provide a photo with your donation, we will post it on this page in our donation gallery and on Facebook and Instagram. For more information, contact Mona Davis, Director of Marketing and Community Outreach at (334) 399-0158 or email mdavis@golfound.org.
Diaper need is a growing problem in our country. A clean diaper means a happy, healthy baby, but according to new data from The National Diaper Bank Network Diaper Check 2023: Diaper Insecurity among U.S. Children and Families report, 1 in 2 U.S. families cannot afford enough diapers to keep their infant or child clean, dry, and healthy. These babies are more vulnerable to painful rashes and urinary tract infections and have more trips to the doctor. About 3 in 5 parents miss work or school because they can’t afford the diapers required to leave their baby in Childcare. Clean diapers are a basic need of every baby and toddler.
Without clean diapers:
babies are exposed to potential health risks and toxic stress;
mothers are at risk for increased maternal depression;
parents are unable to access child care, which requires a daily supply of diapers; and,
parents miss work or school.
SOURCE: http://nationaldiaperbanknetwork.org
Federal assistance does not help families who cannot afford to buy diapers and wipes, which can cost more than $80 a month. Thanks to your donation, Gift of Life can help hardworking moms and dads enrolled in GOL programs by providing those in need baby wipes and new packs of diapers.