Gift of Life programs are partially funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) under grant number H49MC27816 Healthy Start Initiative- Eliminating Racial-Ethnic Disparities, in the amount of $3.5 million; the Alabama Department of Child Abuse and Neglect, the Daniel Foundation, River Region United Way, and the Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education. Funding provided by the Kiwanis Club of Montgomery Foundation and Montgomery County Commission supports community outreach/education projects. Our Website was partially funded by a technical assistance grant from Central Alabama Community Foundation.
When you purchase a tag, you support the great done by programs like the Gift of Life Nurse-Family Partnership.
When you purchase a Children’s Trust Fund Personalized Tag, on your next tag renewal, you support the work of the Nurse Home Visitors in Gift of Life’s Nurse-Family Partnership. Nurse-Family Partnership is a free program that connects great nurses with moms expecting their first baby. Moms receive the support, advice and information they need during pregnancy and after baby arrives. The Alabama Department of Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention supports GOL NFP because the evidence-based program includes education aimed at preventing child abuse and neglect. Purchasing a tag helps support this important work! For more information, visit