ADPH, Gift of Life Foundation and Birmingham Healthy Start to Present 2021 Infant Mortality Summit

Make plans to attend the 2021 Infant Mortality Summit: Strengthening Communities: Tools to Promote Better Birth Outcomes, presented virtually by the Alabama Department of Public Health, Gift of Life Foundation and Birmingham Healthy Start Plus. This year's summit will explore local, state and national strategies being implemented to improve maternal and infant health in our state.

Sessions will include:
- Clinical Review of Maternal and Infant Health
- A Community Response to Infant Mortality: How Community-based Organizations Can Improve Birth Outcomes
- Maternal, Fetal and Infant Mortality Review in Alabama
- Alternative Models of Prenatal Care: Midwives, Doulas and Community Education

The event is offered at no cost to the community but you must register to attend. Go to our events page at to register and find out more about the sessions, presenters and panelists.

Mona Davis
2021 Gift of Life Graduation Program to be Presented Virtually on June 6

Gift of Life is inviting the community to help us recognize our moms and dads during our 2021 Graduation Program, presented virtually on June 11, 2021, at 11 a.m. . It will be streamed live on Facebook and on our YouTube channel at The Gift of Life-MGM.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Mona Davis
GOL CAN's Safe Sleep Sundays Project Hosts Virtual Safe Sleep Classes

Expectant and new moms, dads and grandparents are invited to attend our FREE 30-minute Safe Sleep Class and learn how to reduce the risk of SIDS & sleep-related causes of infant death.

CLASS DATE: MARCH 19, 2021 | 11:30 - NOON | VIA ZOOM

All attendees will receive a Safe Sleep onesie & brochure and will be entered into a drawing to win one of two portable cribs. Winners will be announced at the end of each class. Classes will be offered monthly through the month of August. Class dates will be announced on our website and on our Facebook page.


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Mona Davis
Christmas Bottoms Drive Receives Big Donation from Home Depot

Gift of Life wrapped up its Operation Christmas Bottoms Diaper Drive with a big donation from our friends at Home Depot (Chantilly Store 0813) in Pike Road. Store manager Lee Davis and Human Resources Director Kristen Cheek presented GOL Executive Director Dr. Regina Traylor with a check for $1,000 to be used to purchase diapers and baby wipes for Gift of Life families that experience diaper need. Special thanks to Home Depot team member Keesha Sankey for nominating Gift of Life after learning about Operation Christmas Bottoms from GOL Parent Educator Keonia Rogers. Thank you Home Depot for supporting our work and making sure there are no wet bottoms in our community!


Mona Davis
Operation Christmas Bottoms Starts Next Week

This holiday season, Gift of Life needs your help to make sure there are no wet bottoms in the families we serve across the River Region. Individuals, civic clubs, organizations, Sunday School classes or workplace groups can help the families enrolled in our programs in Montgomery, Macon, Autauga, Pike, Russell and Crenshaw counties by donating packages of baby wipes and new packs of diapers in all sizes (especially size newborn and 1) for Gift of Life families who are experiencing a temporary diaper need.


Location: Gift of Life Main Office -1348 Carmichael Way

Tuesdays from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. | Thursday from 3-5 p.m.

Nov. 16, 2020 - Jan. 8, 2021.

We’ll list your name and post your photo to our Website and social media as a thank you and to show the community that you care! For more information about Operation Christmas Bottoms, call Mona Davis at (334) 399-0158 or visit

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Mona Davis
Gift of Life Recognizes Over 90 Program Participants at First-Ever Virtual Graduation



MONTGOMERY, AL- The Gift of Life Foundation celebrated the accomplishments of more than 90 moms and babies who graduated from its programs with their first-ever virtual graduation ceremony, which aired live on Facebook (@GOLFOUND) and YouTube (THE GIFT OF LIFE FOUNDATION-MGM) earlier today.   The moms completed one of three Gift of Life Programs: Parents as Teachers, Nurse-Family Partnership, and Mobile Family Coaching, which provide home visiting, virtual family coaching  and direct linkage to community resources to improve birth outcomes and reduce maternal deaths to women and families most at-risk for infant mortality in the River Region and target areas in East Alabama. 

Five graduates received Gift of Life's highest award, the Martha Jinright Resilience Award, for overcoming what could seem to be insurmountable odds to meet and exceed the personal and parenting goals they set for themselves with their nurse or coach over the past 18 months. The winners were: 

Belinda Russell                 

Kandace Harris                 

Jaquita Robinson             

 Kerisha Reed                     

MyKea Davis


Mona Davis
ADPH, Gift of Life, Birmingham Healthy Start Plus to Present "Examining the Roots: The Impact of Maternal Mortality on Infant Mortality


The Alabama Department of Public Health and Alabama Healthy Start Grantees will present the virtual summit "Examining the Roots: The Impact of Maternal Mortality on Infant Mortality” on September 9, 2020, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

This year’s summit will explore the connection between women’s health and healthy birth outcomes; the state of rural health care for women; and COVID-19, health and mortality in Alabama.

Summit presenters will include:

• Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell, U.S. Representative of Alabama’s 7th Congressional District

• Monica McLemore, RN, MPH, PHD, Associate Professor, University of California, San Francisco

• Albert Holloway, MD, Pediatrics Specialist in Montgomery, AL

The event will also feature a panel discussion that includes families and others who have been impacted by maternal and infant loss.

This year’s summit is offered to health providers, health advocates and the community at no cost. For more information and to register go to, email or visit ADPH at

SPONSORS: Alabama Department of Public Health, Gift of Life Foundation and Birmingham Healthy Start Plus.

Mona Davis
GOL CAN Partners Host Mask Giveaway

Gift of Life Community Action Network (GOL CAN) is all about advancing community partnerships! Our CAN member, the Council on Substance Abuse (COSA) is partnering with Trenholm State Community College in a Community Mask Giveaway on Monday, August 3, 2020, from 9:00am-3:00 pm at the Hope Recovery Center. The event will also provide information on substance abuse and underage drinking prevention, and where you or someone you know can go to get help.

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Mona Davis