Gift of Life Foundation is collecting disposable diapers of all sizes and baby wipes to help Hurricane Harvey moms and babies through September 8. Many disaster relief organizations do not provide these items for distribution and Gift of Life would like to help those families get the items their babies need while they are displaced from their homes. All items GOL collects will be distributed to the Texas Diaper Bank. Those who wish to donate can drop off unwrapped disposable baby diapers and packages of wipes to the GOL office located at 1348 Carmichael Way, 36106, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Our offices are open Monday through Friday. You can also make monetary donations online to the Texas Diaper bank at For more information about the diaper drive, call the Gift of Life office at (334) 272-1820.
MEDIA CONTACT: Mona Davis, Marketing and Outreach Coordinator
(334) 273-7800
MONTGOMERY, AL — Gift of Life Foundation (GOL) has been awarded a major grant from the Children’s Trust Fund of Alabama to help reduce child abuse and neglect in Montgomery County.
Gift of Life was awarded a $95,000 grant for its Nurse Family Partnership Program (NFP) — a free, voluntary program that pairs expectant, first-time moms with a registered nurse. GOL nurse home visitors help program participants assess their attitudes, knowledge, skills and current level of support, then develop interventions that empower participants to set goals, make behavioral changes, address challenges and increase self-sufficiency. This helps reduce the stress factors that contribute to child abuse and neglect.
“We are pleased to have received the grant from the Children’s Trust Fund of Alabama and to have an opportunity to partner with their efforts to protect Alabama’s children,” said Gift of Life Executive Director Cheryl Davis. “Research tells us that too many babies in Montgomery County are born too early, into poverty, or are impacted by violence. These are contributing factors to the high rate of infant mortality, child abuse and neglect that we are seeing in our community.”
In 2015, 7.3 per 1,000 Montgomery County children had indication for child abuse and neglect, according to data published in the 2016 Alabama Kids Count book. Davis said those numbers emphasize the critical need for funding for home visiting programs like those offered by Gift of Life, which support children and families in the environments where they live.
“The grant will fund two NFP nurse home visitors who will work with a client in her home for two and a half years,” said Davis. “They will provide the education, support and interventions needed to become an effective parent and create a nurturing environment for their child that is healthy and free of abuse.”
About Gift of Life Foundation - Since 1988, Gift of Life has worked to lower Montgomery County’s infant mortality rate through coordinated, evidence-based programs that give women and children at greater risk for infant mortality support, parenting education and encouragement at no cost through its Nurse-Family Partnership, Parents as Teachers, and Mobile Family Coaching, and Fathers in Action programs. For more information, visit
Kudos to Gift of Life Foundation's 2017 program graduates. The group of women were recognized during a ceremony at First Baptist Church on May 11. Restauranteur, motivational speaker and author Martha Hawkins, owner of Martha's Place, was the guest speaker. She encouraged the graduates to never give up on their dreams and to remember the mentoring they'd received through the Gift of Life. Each graduate received a certificate of completion by their Gift of Life nurse or social worker.
Mona Davis - Monday, April 03, 2017
OH BABY! Gift of Life was excited to participate in Babypalooza, a premiere baby and maternity expo where expectant moms and families came to connect to community maternity resources on April 1 from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the Cramton Bowl Multiplex. We had the opportunity to connect with more than 75 women and educate them to safe sleep infant practices. These expectant moms watched a one-minute education video, answered the quiz and took turns placing Gift of Life's Baby Marcus to sleep properly in his pack-n-play. Big thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth to learn more about safe sleep and how practicing it with your baby or a baby you know could save their life. Participants received a free sleep sack while supplies lasted and five lucky families won a brand new Graco Pack-N-Play!